Saturday, November 29, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas

Our Thanksgiving weekend started off with Stuart, Geoff, Steve and I lugging all the Christmas decorations out of the garage to decorate the house. We decided to put the tree in the middle of the foray, so that you can see the tree from the front door. We had fun going the through the crates and finding the treasured ornaments that have been collected from all over the states and Australia. And the ones that the boys made.
Mom, we are done with the tree, right? Sure wish Scott was here. We are missing middle brother, Scott. Stuart, Geoff and I are happy that the tree is finally done.. The guys with the tree as it is being finished. Did dad help? Yes... He said we did a good job. And I stayed out of the way....


Kim said...

Aaawwww, sounds like we missed out!

The Palacios Family. said...

very cute! I miss you guys! I miss your cozy home with all the tins! :)