Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy 75th Birthday Mom

This past weekend was my mom's 75th birthday. She is in a center in Phoenix for Alzhiemer's. It is hard to see mom like this, because she use to be so full of life.
But we had a nice day that she seemed to enjoy, and she enjoyed her birthday cake and ice cream. Her cake had beautiful red rose's. She loves roses and red is a favorite color. She had almost the whole family there. There was 15 of us there so she was busy watching all. She also had her great grandson son RyRy (Lynne's grandbaby).
When I saw her I told her happy birthday and did she know who I was. She said "no she didn't know". But when I told her I was her daughter Gail, she said "I love you". So our job is to love her and to make her comfortable.


Kim said...

It's so great that you were all able to go see her on her birthday. It's hard to see her like that, though, not smiling. Scott saw the pics and said, "This is not the Nana I grew up with." It's so sad. Hopefully, she was able to feel some of the love you guys have for her on her special day.

Adrienne Gibson said...

that was a hard day...but i am glad we did it and i am sure we will all appreciate those memories.